We offer the full childhood vaccination service, further details of which are available on www.immunisation.ie.
Funding is provided by the HSE to ensure that all eligible babies can receive the scheduled childhood vaccines free of charge from their GP.
At birth, the hospital will ask you who your baby's GP is or they may just assume that your own GP will be looking after your new baby too. The GP will then receive all the paperwork relating to the Childhood Vaccinations from the Immunisations Office.
The schedule of vaccinations changes from time to time but at the moment babies receive the shots from their GP at 2 Months/4 Months/6 months/12 Months & 13 Months.
We understand that many parents may have concerns about possible side effects and will have questions about the vaccinations. We are happy to address any concerns at the time of vaccination and will do our very best to answer any queries you may have.