womens health - contraception
We offer a wide array of contraceptive/family planning options.
These include
- Contraceptive pills
- Contraceptive patches/Nuvaring
- Injectables (Depo injection)
- Implants (Insertion of Nexplanon device)
- Intra-uterine devices (Insertion of Mirena/Kyleena & Copper Coils)
- Emergency contraception
- Referral for Vasectomy/Tubal ligation
The doctor will discuss these options in detail with you to help decide which is most suitable for you. Special procedures (for example fitting of implants/coils) must be discussed in advance at an earlier consultation with the doctor.
We can also offer non directive counselling in relation to crisis pregnancy.
Contraceptive services are free for all patients from 18-35 years inclusive under the Universal Contraceptive Scheme.